Django import_export 按用户类型显示导入导出按钮 @admin.register(InvestProject) # class InvestProjectAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): class InvestProjectAdmin(ImportExportActionModelAdmin, ImportExportMo continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2021/4/16 659
Django2.2 国际化实践 开发环境 windows 10 python 3.6.8 django 2.2 参考文档 https://blog.c continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020/8/20 329
Django 1.11 项目迁移到 2.2 注意事项 各种依赖包的错误和 Django 版本语法的兼容性 解决后还需要注意以下情况: Python 环境方面 如果 Django 1.11 和 Django 2.2 的虚拟环境目录不一样,使用到 虚拟环境 目录的(如:uwsgi 的启动环境)都要修改过来 Redis 方面 continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020/5/30 410
How to access the HttpRequest object in Django forms( Django view 给 forms 传递数据) Example 1: PASSING THE REQUEST OBJECT TO THE FORM In your view, when you create a form instance, pass the request object as a parameter. Here I continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020/5/26 152
Django2.2 TypeError: render() got an unexpected keyword argument 'renderer' 从Django 1.11 迁移到 Django 2.2 后 AdminFileWidget 的 render 报错了: TypeError: render() got an unexpected keyword argument 'renderer' (41 additional fra continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020/5/24 502
Django 2.2 django.core.exceptions.improperlyconfigured sqlite 3.8.3 or later is required (found 3.7.17) 在 centos7 上面执行 migrate 时提示: django.core.exceptions.improperlyconfigured sqlite 3.8.3 or later is required (found 3.7.17) 解决思路: 升级 centos7 系统上 continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020/5/24 418
Model_utils _clone() got an unexpected keyword argument 'subclasses' 发生环境 从 Django 1.11 迁移到 Django 2.2 错误日志 django.request: 2020-05-22 16:12:18,196 E:\py_virtualenv\joyoo\lib\site-packages\django\utils\ continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020/5/22 172
Django.db.utils.IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: blog_articlelike.article_id, blog_articlelike.ip 已存在的数据表添加 unique_together,报错: django.db.utils.IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: blog_articlelike.article_id, blog_articlelike.ip 原因 continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020/5/21 747
Error fetching command 'build_solr_schema': The 'solr' backend requires the installation of 'pysolr'. Please refer to the documentation. Command 'build_solr_schema' skipped 错误提示: Error fetching command 'build_solr_schema': The 'solr' backend requires the installation of 'pysolr'. Please refer to the documentation. C continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020/5/21 1010
Django2 TypeError: RedirectView() received an invalid keyword 're_path'. as_view only accepts arguments that are already attributes of the class. django2 报错: TypeError: RedirectView() received an invalid keyword 're_path'. as_view only accepts arguments that are already attributes of continue reading django zhuoyuebiji 2020/5/20 557